الأكثر ربحية في قطاعها
EU Stage 3 /
US Tier 3
تُستخدم الحواجز لفصل الأرصفة والأرصفة الوسطية عن الطريق، خاصةً في قطاع الإنشاءات. تساعد هذه العناصر الإنشائية على توجيه مياه الأمطار من سطح الطريق نحو البنية التحتية، وبالتالي تمنع تكدس المياه على الطرق وتسمح بتدفق المياه بطريقة منظمة. وعادةً ما تكون الحواجز مصنوعة من مواد متينة مثل الخرسانة أو الجرانيت، وهي مهمة لوظائف البنية التحتية وجمالياتها على حد سواء.
فئة انبعاثات العادم
EU Stage 3 / US Tier 3
عدد وحدات المسار
وزن التشغيل، CE
16500 kg
4 I
تعديل الارتفاع الهيدروليكي
900 mm
سرعة العمل القصوى
8 m/min.
السرعة القصوى للسفر
20 m/min.
أقصى عرض للقالب
5000 mm
أقصى ارتفاع للقالب
2000 mm
تعديل الارتفاع، ميكانيكي
500 mm
الطاقة المقدرة
134.3 kW / 180 HP
التعديل الجانبي للقالب
700 mm
Roadside kerbs are an important part of urban planning and have many benefits. Firstly, curbs improve safety by separating pedestrian and vehicular traffic. They also play a critical role in diverting rainwater, preventing it from accumulating on the roads and improving driving conditions. Curbs also mark the transition between pavement and road, providing a safer walking space, especially for the visually impaired. Curbs also contribute to aesthetics and make the cityscape look organized and attractive. Finally, curbs help to protect infrastructure systems, helping to remove materials and debris that can damage water drainage channels. Curbs are therefore indispensable not only for traffic safety and water management, but also for urban aesthetics and infrastructure protection.
Concrete roads are one of the most important infrastructure elements of the modern world and offer many advantages such as longevity, durability and ease of maintenance. The use of concrete roads in Turkey is gaining prominence due to the economic benefits, such as the ability to produce them with local materials and save foreign currency. Concrete roads also have safety advantages, such as reduced braking distances and better handling performance in wet weather. As an environmentally friendly solution, concrete roads are also notable for their fire resistance and emission-free properties. It is known that Turkey has advantages in terms of resources and engineering in concrete road construction and has companies that can produce at European standards.